Tuesday, June 07, 2005

here i come to save the blog!

so i'm here and let's see what happens!

i am going to crazy like it's my job! I am leaving for rome 3 weeks from today! the reason i'm freaking out is because i am a tad on the ocd side!
here is my list of things to do in the next 3 weeks before my departure: (FYI - i heart lists!)
1. memorize my role
2. pay bills & rent
3. find/save the money to accomplish #2
4. pack ( that's a whole 'nother list! )
5. not freak that I've never been out of the country
6. go see land of the dead (i also heart zombies!)
7. have 5 coachings with jud
8. have another lesson with dr. king
9. have 2 more coachings with jan
10. work as much as possible for the hippies
11. pack up my house so I can move as soon as I get back from Rome

Well, that's a great list for now - I had to stop typing because of the anxiety attack it caused! :P

the wurrk

the wurrk Posted by Hello

dr. stacia brock Posted by Hello