Sunday, September 07, 2008

"It's been a long time........"

Well, it HAS been a long time since I've "blogged".... But, I've been a busy bee! Here I am sitting at the Houston airport on my last day of being 29 waiting to fly to Philly to then get to Princeton to turn 30 at midnight to ending up doing homework and then being at class at 9am....! GROSS! Who ever thought I'd be in school at 30?! It's truly a very strange feeling, yet.... I am very satisfied with where my life seems to be heading.
Update time! The opera postings went up on Friday before I left for the airport and I found out that I'm singing Mother Superior in Poulenc's "Dialogue of the Carmelites"! I'm uber excited! Not only is it an amazing sing... but I get to die.... on stage! That rocks!
I'm taking 20 hours this semester, plus auditions, plus learning a recital, plus learning the role, plus trying to loose 75 lbs..... WOAH! So, everyone, get on your knees and pray that I make it through. It's going to be an interesting semester.

Brian and Amanda flew me home to Houston this weekend for my birthday, and we had the most AMAZING time! We did so much in such a little time, and really just enjoyed eachother. I am so blessed to have them in my life!!!!