Friday, August 31, 2007

Opera Auditions!

Yeah! Today starts the 3 day marathon of opera auditions (of which I am the monitor!) and I am so excited to get to meet everyone auditioning!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I made lots of copies yesterday - that made me happy! I know, I'm a dork, and I'm ok with that!

Today we start choir rehearsal, even though school doesn't start until next week... Hard Core.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Glimmerglass... Pretty!

I saw an incredible opera while I was at Glimmerglass visiting... Phillip Glass's "Orphee". IT WAS GREAT! I loved it! Here are some pretty pictures of Glimmerglass! :)

Driving to Rochester - Oh the beauty!

Last week I was able to drive to Rochester to see my dad and mom for my dad's new job, and then I drove to Cooperstown, NY (where Glimmerglass Opera is) to visit my BFFs the Criders and my Godson, Cade! YEAH! We had a great time and Cade's 2nd bday was so much fun! Here are some fun pictures, with the many faces Cade... oh, the terrible 2s...

I feel like a dumb dumb.

I started orientation yesterday at Westminster... and OI! I feel so old, and so dumb. I've had 8 placement tests in the past 2 days and I feel so stupid. I know it's been quite a long time since I've been in a music class, but still... :(

I am so excited to actually do work for Maestro Beckwith tomorrow for my assistantship! I love getting things done with Danielle! :)

We start rehearsal for Beethoven's Ninth on Thursday! I'm uber excited! Wish me luck with grad school!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


While in NYC with Jeff, we went to his fav dive around the corner to get yummy pizza, calzones, etc... I have to say, in 3 days, I ate there twice. George doesn't talk much, just in grunts, and then lets you know how much... this calzone cost $3... this calzone cost $3... this calzone cost 3 f-ing dollars! And it was stuffed with spinach and cheese - it was so amazing. But, the BEST part - is this poster, AND that there wasn't just one of these posters, but 2 of them across from eachother - staring and eating their gyros.

Amazing, George, Amazing.


I can't believe I got fired today. But it's ok, I told her she was a bully and I called her district manager and told him everything!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Down with retail

So, today my boss (let's call her "M") asked me why, after possibly wanting to become assistant manager of "The Avenue", had I put in my 2 weeks notice. I looked at her, and her tattooed self, and I said, "You, It's because of you"! HAHAHA! She just looked at me and wanted to know why I didn't try to "communicate" with her about why I was unhappy... and I told her I tried, and as I was talking, she cut me off and starting talking over me. So, I stopped talking and said "This, "M", this is why. You don't respect me as a human or as an employee, and I can't work for someone who doesn't respect me."

I only have 1 1/2 left!!!! yeehaw!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Puck Fair - the greatest Irish bar - EVER

Spencer and I went to eat at Puck Fair while Jeff was finishing up her fizzity softball games... We had the best time! First, we ended up really "bonding" with our bartender Jackie because this crazy guy sat down next to us at the bar... with a knife. What kind of knife you ask... a Rachel Ray cooking knife. He was unpacking it, and Spencer saw cuts on his arms, so we were like "Oh Shit, we've got a cutter"! Then he ordered and kept asking what the exact time was... and we were so confused by his actions, and thought that he might be going on a knife rampage... It was creepy!

After he left, we had a BLAST! We had the best time with Jackie! She was so funny and had the best Irish accent. Chase ended up meeting us there for some beers and whiskey... Oi! I hadn't done that for a LONG time! hee hee

Fizzity Softball

So... Jeff is part of a gay softball team... hahaha, it's amazing! We had the best time at his tournament this past Saturday morning!

Stacia and Spencer in Princeton!

YEAH! Stacia and Spencer came to visit me in Princeton! We had dinner at Triumph bar and grill, then walked to Thomas Sweets for ice cream! We had such a rehearsally time!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Weekend in the city!

This weekend, I went to spend with Jeff in NYC! We had a great time! Fizzity football, a soprano competition in Little Italy, and packing!

I went to this incredible Irish Pub called Puck Fair. Spencer and I had lunch there, and then Chase met us there for beer. (pictures will come soon)

Then I went to the land of Weehawken. It was so very interesting...

Also, in Weehawken, David and I went to this crazy Mexican restaurant where there was this rusty chair... I was so mortified when it completely snapped underneath me. :(

Thursday, August 09, 2007

more CoOPERAtive pics


More specifically, I hate working at the Avenue! I can't stand this place and I was suppose to be receiving my pay check today... but my "manager" told me TODAY that I won't get it until next week. AND she kept insisting that I was told and that I knew and that it was in the "handbook". Well, why would I be so very surprised if I already knew?!?!?! I wouldn't - idiot. Hate it.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

CoOPERAtive 2007

CoOPERAtive is this great new program that was created by some really talented people at Westminster Choir College. It is an audition preparation program where I had 3-5 coachings every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with masterclasses on Tuesdays and Thursdays and yoga EVERYDAY! This was such an incredible "jump start" for me before I start grad school this fall.

Here are some great pics! Enjoy!

Here I am... in NJ!

Well, I've been living in Lawrenceville, NJ (close to Princeton) for a little over a month - and, I can't lie... I LOVE it here. It's so beautiful! But, it's hot... I thought I left that in Houston. I can't believe that right now, until school starts, I am working retail. I know, I know, your saying to yourself "self, there is NO way I can see Danielle working in retail without her dying 80 deaths inside a day". You know what - you'd be right! I obviously really love people, and helping them find great outfits, etc... but folding shirts and hanging pants - AHHHHHHHHH! At least it's only for 2 1/2 more weeks!

I am so excited to start school! I'm going to try to actually blog - so that way I have a way of "reaching the masses"... This picture is a reflection of how I feel about retail!